22 Ways to Love Your Neighbor in 2022

Pastor Chris Lenhart | January 20, 2022

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:30-31


  1. Learn names and birthdays.
    Write down the names, and possibly birthdates, of your neighbors and keep them close by so that you can pray for them.

  2. Pray regularly.
    Pray regularly, by name, for your neighbors.

  3. Make, take, or buy a meal.
    Consult with your neighbors on the possibility of making them a meal, or buy them a gift card to a local pizza shop or restaurant and anonymously put it in their mail.

  4. Come together for a night of Global Outreach Conference.
    Drive together for an evening of hearing about how God is at work in other places throughout the world. Perhaps go for coffee or dessert before or after.

  5. Send a card or note of encouragement.
    No postage necessary; they live right next door or across the street!

  6. Invite for dinner or a night out.
    Enjoy dinner together with your neighbors or invite them for a night out at a local cafe, ice cream shop, or restaurant, your treat.

  7. Go for a walk.
    Set up a time to meet up and go for a walk together.

  8. Offer to watch over the house or care for a pet.
    This is so helpful when they are away for business or on vacation.

  9. Pick up the mail.
    This is especially helpful on an extra cold or rainy day!

  10. Discuss meaningful community and connection.
    Have an intentional discussion regarding meaningful connection and community. Talk about your involvement and engagement at CMBC, and how your faith community builds you up.

  11. Help with yardwork or snow removal.
    Pick up a shovel or take a mower/trimmer/clipper and help out where and when needed.

  12. Talk about how Jesus gives you peace, comfort, or hope.
    Find a topic or talk about a circumstance in your life where Jesus gave you great peace, comfort, joy, or hope.

  13. Assist with maintenance projects.
    Help your neighbor check off their ‘honey-do’ list.

  14. Loan or give away ingredients, supplies, tools, or equipment.
    Offer to loan them items that would be practical and useful to them.

  15. Offer to pray together with your neighbor.
    Ask permission first. If granted, pray together with your neighbor. If permission is not granted, pray for them privately, and if appropriate, let them know you are praying for them.

  16. Extend an invitation to attend a CMBC service with you.
    Make sure you meet them in the lobby and sit with them!

  17. Ask, “How might I be a better neighbor to you?”
    Invite this dialogue and accept their answer.

  18. Wash a vehicle.
    Make sure you ask permission first.

  19. Bring up trashcans and or pick up trash around properties.
    A practical way to show love.

  20. Dialogue about how Jesus has changed your life.
    “This is who I once was,” or “how these things once influenced my life, but now, because of Jesus, I see things and respond to these matters much differently…”

  21. Learn about a subject or activity that they are passionate about.
    Ask your neighbor to teach you something they know about or love to do.

  22. Explore family heritage and culture.
    Get to know more about their family heritage and cultural backgrounds.