Adult Ministries

Find out more about ministries for adults.

Adult Bible Fellowships (ABFs)

There are several classes available for adults of all ages and stages of life. ABFs meet at 10:30 AM every Sunday. 

  • Berean, Lefever Hall B for adults of all ages - taught by Pastor Chris Lenhart, Tom Hubbard, Bob Reid
  • Homebuilders, Multi-Purpose Room for adults of all ages - taught by Joe Kylar, Doug Bollman
  • Life Together, Lefever Hall A small group discussion for adults of all ages - led by Dale Swann & Dan Weber
  • Oasis, Room 24A for adults of all ages - taught by Neil Feltham
  • Women for God's Purpose, Room 23 for women of all ages - taught by Susan Hubband, Doris Reid


Prayer Meeting

Prayer Meeting is held Wednesday nights at 7:00 PM. We have a brief devotional, then break into smaller groups to pray for requests that have come into the church over the past week. Currently, we are meeting in the building and via Zoom. Contact the office for details.


Community Groups

Community Groups offer a time of smaller group interaction, Bible study, fellowship, prayer time, connection, friendship-building, and accountability. For more information about this ministry, contact Pastor Jim Davis.


50+ Club for Senior Adults

This group of seniors and almost-seniors functions in a number of ways. Fellowship and serving are two key ingredients, but there are many fun times and adventures as well. For more information about 50+ Club, contact Pastor Jim Davis.


Friends Ministry

CMBC has a lot of compassion for those who, for one reason or another, cannot get to church. This is a ministry of visitation that happens on a weekly basis. Those on our visitation team travel to nursing/retirement homes and/or personal homes to visit, share Scripture, pray, and serve Communion. Also, there are phone calls and e-mails to individuals making sure they are being cared for and looked after in their health situations. The church office also makes various mailings of the Weekly and church or missions news.

BASIS Grief Support Group

BASIS (Brothers And Sisters In Support) is a ministry under the leadership of Handi*Vangelism that exists to encourage parents on their grief journey, immediately and long term. We use biblical truth as the foundation for the support we offer. At monthly meetings, no one is required to speak, but everyone may share feelings openly and honestly without fear of judgement or criticism. CMBC’s BASIS group meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM at a home in Paradise. Contact the church office (717-442-8161) for more information.


Women’s Ministry

Women’s Bible Study is offered in the Spring and Fall and other events are scheduled throughout the year. Contact Susan Hubbard for more information. 

Men's Ministry

  • Men's Prayer Group
    Each week, men gather at the church and pray on Saturday mornings, 7:00-8:00 AM. All men are welcome to attend.
  • Men’s Discipleship Hour: A time of prayer, study, and community
    3rd Thursday of each month, 6:15-7:30 PM
    From 6:30-7:00, we have time for fellowship and discussion on a book. At 7:00 we have a time of testimony sharing (from one of our elders), prayer, and a sharpening discussion on a topic related to our spiritual growth. Light refreshments are provided. Questions? Contact Pastor Chris (